Adding an address book to your account will allow you use the address lookup. Follow our 2 step which will show you how to set up your address book.
Step 1 To upload your address book in a specific format (CSV) open your address book in Microsoft Excel.
Make sure your columns match the following order:
Please note, your file should have the following columns in this order:
- First Name
- Last Name (Either company name or last name is required.) *
- Company *
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- County/State
- Postcode
- Country *
The columns marked with * are required fields. Once complete, click Save As
Next choose Comma Separated Values .CSV and click Save
Step 2. Go to 'Setup' in your Scurri dashboard, in the drop down menu select 'Automation'. Here you will need to click Address Book.
You can now select Choose file which will allow you import your address book that you saved earlier in a CSV format. Remember, tick the box which reads 'Skip the first row (it contains headers).
If you have any questions please contact