The Tracking report allows you to monitor the status of your active shipments. Note that this report excludes pending shipments (i.e., those not yet manifested). With this report, you can:
- Quickly review the progress of your tracked shipments.
- Visualise your tracked shipments by country.
- Analyse the progress of your tracked shipments per carrier and service.
Use this report to monitor your shipment status comprehensively and implement improvements to boost operational efficiency.
Quick filters:
Quick manifested date range filters are located in the top header of the dashboard. These predefined date ranges allow you to quickly filter the data displayed on the dashboard by specific time periods.
Advanced filters:
More advanced filtering can be achieved via the right side panel. You can filter by:
- Manifested date: Define a more precise manifested date range.
- Carrier/Service: Select the carrier and service for which you would like to view tracked shipments for.
- Country/City: Select the destination countries and cities where shipments are meant to be delivered.
- Tracking Status: Filter your tracked shipments by a specific tracking status.
- Warehouse: Filter your tracked shipments by a specific warehouse.
KPI’s status bar:
Right after the filters, you will find a series of status bars that provide detailed information about the status of your tracked shipments. These bars display the total number of shipments currently in each status, as well as the percentage of the total number.
- Total Shipments: Displays the total number of tracked shipments for the selected manifested date range filter.
- Delivered: Shows the total number of shipments delivered for the selected manifested date range filter.
- Exception: Indicates the total number of shipments that have encountered a delivery problem within the selected manifested date range filter.
- In Transit: Displays the total number of shipments currently in transit for the selected manifested date range filter.
- Out for Delivery: Shows the total number of shipments out for delivery within the selected manifested date range filter.
- Attempted Delivery: Indicates the total number of shipments where delivery was attempted but failed within the selected manifested date range filter.
Clicking the 'View Details' button in the Total Shipments KPI opens a table in a modal dialog. This table displays all your manifested shipments for the filtered date range, including all packages and items. You can download this table as a CSV, image, or PDF file.
Shipments over time:
This graph illustrates the tracking status of your shipments over the last seven days. The stacked bar chart displays the current tracking statuses, enabling you to analyse their progression. This helps ensure shipments are on track within the desired delivery window.
Tracking status by carrier / service:
This stacked bar chart displays your tracked shipments broken down by tracking status for each carrier and service. By default, the chart shows data for carriers only. Click the 'Service' button within the chart to display a breakdown by service as well.
Tracking status by country:
Utilise our interactive map to visually analyse your tracked shipments based on destination countries. This provides an insightful overview of the geographical progression of your tracked shipments. Hover over a hotspot to see the volume for that country, how many have been delivered and how many are experiencing delivery problems. Additionally, you can easily identify the top 10 cities by shipment volume.